D_T Sarah
3 min readMay 3, 2021


The dictionary defines Diligence as carefulnes and persistent effort to accomplish an undertaking.

It is a common thing to hear the word diligence, and the next thing that comes to mind, is a good work ethic.

But diligence shouldn’t be used at the work place alone. Diligence is required in your spiritual life and when you are diligent in your spiritual life, it leads to both spiritual and physical growth.

Being diligent in your spiritual life, means to be zealous in intention, and also being consistent in your spiritual life. You need to be intentional in your walk with God; which is: Your prayer life, work for God and obeying God’s word; as they work harmoniously together.

Prayer life

You need to be consistent in your prayer life. Many of us are consistent in prayers because of our wants and needs.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing”. If you pray consistently because you want or need something from God all the time, it shows you are not diligent in prayer.

Prayer is essential to our spiritual transformation in both good and bad circumstances i.e praying in both seasons of suffering and that of joy.

In the place of prayer, we are able to open our spiritual sense to discern God’s voice.

Some Christians do not know how and when God speaks to them. This is because you do not spend quality time in prayer.

Prov 8:17 (AMP) “I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently find me”

It is not about the longevity of your prayer; but the quality time you spend in praying to God.

I remember this time, when I had a conversation with a brother. We talked about my prayer life. Then, I wasn’t doing too well. So he gave me an idea; that I should try spending 10mins with God in prayer everyday for 1 month. So I tried it. Even if I didn’t complete it, I was consistent for about 2weeks or more. And I could feel the difference in my life. I felt this closeness with God, and the feeling was awesome.

You need to have that silent communion with God to know Him more, listen for instructions and also to receive insights.

If you’re emotionally driven all the time to pray, you’re far from diligence. Consistency is required is being diligent.

Let me give you an illustration:

If you don’t eat food consistently like a human ought to, you will find out that you’re losing weight. That is exactly how it is with God. If you don’t seek God consistently, your spiritual man looses weight, and then the flesh becomes the superior one. Unconsciously, you begin to succumb to the things of this world. At that point, you slowly drift from God and you’re then open to so many things such as anger, etc.

Work for God

Where diligence is, procrastination and laziness is not. We must never slack while doing God’s will.

If you have to be followed up all the time, it shows you’re not diligent.

The spiritual lazy man can never move forward. (Prov 12:24)

You need to be diligent in doing any task God has called you to do. If you’re a chorister, an usher, or perhaps in the sanitation or evangelism department…whatever it is! Be dedicated to that work you’re doing for God (Rom 12:11). A part-time Christian worker can never see results.

Lastly, you must be diligent in studying the word and also obeying God’s word.

Don’t seek God by accident, or by your free time only.

Obey God’s commandments (Deutoronmy 6:17).

If Abraham was not obedient to God, He wouldn’t have received God’s blessings that has lasted for generations.

May we receive the strength to diligently seek God IJN





D_T Sarah
D_T Sarah

Written by D_T Sarah

A purposeful writer #REACHINGOUTTOSOULS

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