Few days after my birthday, I was gifted a book written by Kathryn Kuhlman “I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES” by a brother.
And in my journey through this book, I have been blessed by so many real life stories written in it. I’ve cried, been inspired to pray, and the greatest of it all; it has taught me so much about faith.
What is faith?
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1 kjv).
There were so many times in my life, that my faith in God paved a way out for me.
But this evening, I’d like to share a summarized story of a four year old, which I read from this particular book. I’m only sharing this story to teach, and nothing more. My faith was really inspired by this particular story about this little girl; who, one morning woke up with some kind of skin disease; which at first looked like an eczema. But as days went by, it got worse, that they had to encase her whole body with cloths, her arms with bandages. She could no longer bath, because her whole skin was cracked open…sores everywhere. Doctors couldn’t find what actually caused this disease. Little by little, she began to loose her hair, her scalp was covered with sores; even her ears were rotting away as if they would fall off soon. A little girl so beautiful that everyone loved, became a girl people couldn’t sit with because they somehow were irritated by the sight of her body. She couldn’t go outside her home anymore. To crown it all, she was in so much pains. She didn’t understand what was going on with her; as she was little. And would often cry to her mother “why doesn’t anyone like me?”
Fast forward to some months later, her grandma decided to take her to one of Miss Kuhlman’s services.
This little girl had been brought up in a religious household, so she was a child of simple and complete faith in our Lord and His ability to perform miracles. This little girl went to the service “Confident and expectant that she would be healed. So she would not hurt anymore and could play with her little friends”.
Now, her skin had worsen and the pains were so severe. During the service, towards the end, the little girl poked her grandma who sat next to her in the auditorium “look grandma, I see Jesus up there” her grandmother was schoked. And at this time, people were looking, including Miss Kuhlman because her voice penetrated the auditorium. “Look at Him at the side of miss Kuhlman! Up there — He has his hands out”. And at that moment, while she was saying these things, the sores on her face were entirely dried up! Just like that.
She was taken back home, And immediately, she ran up to the picture of the last supper in their home, and pointed to Jesus and said, that’s Him grandma.
Again she was taken back to the service. And during the service, the scabs covering her face and body fell off.
A part in this story that inspired me more, was that, after the healing, this little girl was grateful to Jesus from the bottom of her little heart, But she was not all surprised, for she had known all along that Jesus could and would perform the miracle.
We can see from this story how a four year old made Jesus reveal Himself to her. He showed Himself in the image she had always known to be Jesus; and who more than anything, wanted to see her saviour.
Even the servant of God who was carrying out His assignment never saw Jesus face to face.
Never you think because some people are more anointed than you, their prayers and faith carries more weight than that of you; an ordinary child of God. We can see from this story that this little girl was healed with a faith that is unquestioning. Because even while her parents were trying to confuse her of what she had seen, there was this unswerving certainty of the reality of the vision she had of Jesus.
What is that situation you are facing, and it seems impossible to get out from? Why don’t you hold on to faith in God. It can be tough to hold onto faith in God when life gets difficult, but remember what the bible says in 2Corithians 5:7.
We all have seasons where we battle with doubts. The bible encourages us to keep pursuing God admist our doubts; while we wait on God.
Just like the little girl who believed without a single doubt that Jesus could and would heal her, received her healing, so can we.
James 1:6(kjv) “but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed”.
Faith involves trust and patience. Trusting God and finding peace at the end.
Entrust your life and all your concerns to God. I believe when we start seeing faith more like trust, it makes it easier to wait on Him. Feed your spirit with the word of God in those trying times; it helps build your faith.
Prayer point?
Dear God, give us the faith that little children know; so we can be blessed as children are.